Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

1.       how to write a paragraph with sufficient cohesion and inadequate is to use sentences stating dengaan integration anratara one another sentence. dam every sentence must salimg chime. because the sentence is a sentence cohesion that every element integrated internally in units of the text. Strictly speaking, each text component is born, for example, the current word is heard or read, are connected in series.
2.      cohesion sentence is a sentence that uses the phrase or words that are related or coherent. If the coherence associated with the content, the cohesion or coherency forms relating to the use of his words. It could be one of the main ideas put forward a paragraph, but not necessarily cohesive paragraphs that say if the words are not coherent.
3.      The difference between cohesion and coherence on something terpada or chime . In cohesion , which is integrated visible elements of text , including the structure of birth ( grammar ) . A fragment of a conversation two people following text can be used as an example .

" Hey , how are you ? " " Oh , you . Good news . Live where ? Still in the first place ? " " Yeah , that's where I stayed until now . "

All elements of the text fragment born in an integrated , both lexical and grammatical . Meanwhile , keberpaduan or coherence requires inner elements ( meaning , concepts , and knowledge ) combined with each other . For example , say " hello " is usually used by people who already know each other and not relative to each other are a little long conference . The first speaker utters it to the second and the second greeted with the familiar and signaled an understanding that they have not see you sing . What's more , the pengujar proceed with the next speech , which reinforces the interpretation that he felt he had not first meet with pengujar .
4.      examples paragraph :
lia is a good boy and also very clever child. lia as a very studious child, she was also a champion in his class. teachers and his friends love him. lia also has a polite and courteous person. lia parents are very proud of him, besides in school, are also in loved lia in the family, because lia diligently to help their parents, never denied or lounging at home.
lia friends while alin is very different he is very lazy and does not diligent. alin has a very bad person, opy is a very bad and also a lot of friends who hate her  because
her personality very bad.
lia in addition to many more people like him tetep be a good boy, and wants to be friends with anyone.
5.       The red line is said not to have good cohesiveness that the elusive idea. The paragraph needs to be improved, for example by providing a preposition.

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